Section of email home, 8th Oct 2012: "Elder Myaka and I often help people pump, draw and carry water impromptu, but today we decided that as a group of missionaries we'd just 'man the wells', which ironically were all dug by the church and about 70% have 'LDS charities 2007' on the side =D So we chose two pumps and went in threes so we could draw, arrange/gather buckets and carry finished buckets to people's houses.. so Elders Kouao and Humpreys and I sweated it out in the midday West African sun! It was SO much fun and we got SO wet! There was one bit which when I finished filling a washing bowl (giant bucket) I stuck it on my head, took 10 steps and stopped because it was starting to spill and so the woman whose it was started to run towards me as I was taking it off my head - just as she reached me I was lowering it and suddenly lost control and half the contents went all over her so I tried to tip it back, over compensated and spilt the rest all over me! I couldn't believe it, the woman's face was absolutely hilarious,. buttt she didn't find it funny, which kinda made it funnier, and she ordered me to go back and re-fill it - of course I was wearing a shirt and tie as well =P It was such a workout dropping a bucket down a deep well and drawing it up again for 2-3 hours solid!"
He has also managed to send a few photos to us. They're not the best quality, but it shows you a bit of Liberia! It looks like the rainy season is ending out there now.